Around 250 people reunited in the last may 8th in the Pampulha campus of the Universidade Federal of Minas Gerais during the 1st Metropolitan Seminar of the RMBH (MZ-RMBH). The event organized by the technical team of the UFMG with the support of the Agency for Development of the Metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte counted with the presence of representation of the civil society; technical managers of 31 municipalities of the metropolitan region; members of the State – especially the Metropolitan Agency – and the team of the university developing the project.
The main goal of this seminar was to debate the results of the first stage of the Macrozoning, in other words, the result of the discussions in the public and internal workshops of the Cycle A, set in motion to identify the Zones of Metropolitan Interest (ZIMs) and the Areas of Metropolitan Interest (AIMs). The mapping of the recent tendencies of the metropolitan expansion, reviewed and actualized from the studies produced for the Plan of Integrated Development of the RMBH (PDDI/2010), resulted in a territorial division of six expansion vectors, in which the ZIMs and AIMs were presented with more details, while highlighting the common matters of each vector.
The dialogue among the everyday knowledge, the metropolitan experiences, brought in by the civil society and the municipalities’ teams, and the technical and academic knowledge were essential to achieve the results. This interaction allowed the establishment of a first proposal to improve the discussion concerning what shall be the metropolitan macrozoning under construction in the state of Minas Gerais.
The seminar reinforced the crucial role of the participative process for enhancing the involvement of a great number of citizens in the discussions and definitions of the project. Under this perspective, the tools of communication appears as relevant for the information that are being constructed and solidified. The website Plano Metropolitano – www.rmbh.org.br, the social webs and the Metropolitan Report are fundamental instruments to widen the debate in this moment of the RMBH planning.
The next stage happens from august and it is earmarked for the execution of the Cycle B of workshops and public seminars, those being events to refine the ZIMs and AIMs. There will also be two seminars for planning and evaluation in the UFMG, to open and close the Cycle; and workshops in six cities of the RMBH. The goal is to conceive a more precise shape of the Areas and Zones of Metropolitan Interest.